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19988 2020-12-28T10:28:15 17
设计师: 徐麟

暗夜精灵的超时空实验室 V-SHOW


走过流光溢彩的“长廊”,视觉转瞬进入了爆发式的激情场,这是包房区域所传递出的视觉感知,属于新世界的异次元元素正在酝酿,情绪延展蔓延开来。沿着色彩碰撞的色带,视觉在炫动的包房区域切换,超大背墙、3D 透视特效,那些既复古又现代的色彩和元素相互交织,恰到好处的高级感令人迷幻其中。虚无缥缈的“时空”具象化成了一帧一帧可触摸的影像,光怪陆离,灯光渐亮,音乐响起,达到情绪的全情释放。大块面的饱满,与边线的勾勒,平直碰撞曲线,空间转折和强力的炫技手法,让空间躁动起来。浓重色块与光色指引在空间质感上同频,丰富却不混乱。


Night Elves' Chronosphere Lab V-Show KTV

Today, design is not only creating beauty, it is creating an unprecedented experience. Remarkable space design can endow "light" and "color" with the charm expression of living color and fragrance, and not spare the sexy elements popular at present, presenting the most fashionable light luxury life in the way of decoration. What is emotion? It is invisible, but it really exists around us. In the eyes of Xu Lin, a V-show designer, emotion is a space. Designer Xu Lin chose to inject light and color expression into a large area of metal and glass material, and the colorful light strip extends freely to express a sense of future. The appearance of corrugated mirror and glass mirror breaks through the boundary of reality in unexpected ways. Different colors of light and shadow deducing the mood and state of mind, here seems to gather the city's youngest circle, the main body of fashion life.

After walking through the "long corridor" with colorful time, the vision soon enters into the explosive passion field, which is the visual perception conveyed by the compartment area. The different dimensional elements belonging to the new world are brewing, and the emotions extend and spread. Along the color collision ribbon, the visual switch in the dazzling compartment area, the oversized back wall, 3D perspective effects, those both retro and modern colors and elements interweave, just the right sense of high and psychedelic. The ethereal "time and space" becomes a tangible , and the courage to make peace with the world.

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